Dear Customers,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued business and support so far.
Please be advised that Quality Landscaping LLC will implement a price increase on all recurring property services, effective 04/01/2022. We have left our overall pricing unchanged at 2016 levels and below up to this point however, we are unfortunately not able to continue absorbing the negative effects in our business. There are 2 main cost drivers that have impacted this decision:
1. Fuel Costs
2. Inflation for costs of goods directly related to our business and doing business on your property.
As always we have endeavored to keep this increase to a minimum, and looked at our internal productivity and processes to limit this to an effective increase of 10% on average. For specific pricing increases please see below.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to servicing you even better for the remainder of 2022 and into 2023, by providing quality value-added services to your home and business.
The following applies to any current customers with estimates sent before 01/01/2022 for recurring property services only. If you were sent an estimate after the above date there will be no changes to pricing for your account. If you currently have a scheduled property installation or one that is incomplete there will be no changes to pricing on your job.
Recurring Services:
Your recurring service price, whether billed monthly or per visit, will be increasing by 10% or $12.00, whichever is more.
Scheduled & Incomplete Property Installations:
Your pricing will remain unchanged.
Estimates Received On Or After 01/01/2022:
Your pricing will remain unchanged.
Please contact us with any additional questions or to further discuss this increase and how it affects your account.
Yours sincerely,
Quality Landscaping LLC
127 Peachtree Pkwy
Suite 702
Byron GA 31008